Every year SCC Soft Computer shares the holiday spirit with a variety of spooky activities for employees to enjoy. Things looked a little different this year with many of our employees still working from home, but alas we still managed to have a fangtastic time!
Pumpkin Decorating/Carving Contest
Let’s give ’em pumpkin to talk about! During our pumpkin carving event, everyone had the chance to really showcase some of their creativity. Employees had the opportunity to carve a pumpkin and submit pictures which were voted upon by fellow co-workers, earning a prize for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Congratulations to the winners!
1st Place: Zombie Cheshire Cat

2nd Place: Halloween Cat

3rd Place: Pumpkin Ghost

Workstation Decorating Contest
Staff took the time to decorate their home or office working spaces and the pictures we received were eerie-sistible! See below some of our favorites!
1st Place: Working with Herman

2nd Place: Wicked

3rd Place: Spooktober

House Decorating Contest
Usually our pumpkin week concludes with a good ‘ol costume contest, however, due to social distancing guidelines and most of our staff working from home, we have decided to have staff take part in a new event – House Decorating contest!
1st Place: Skeletons Gone Wild

2nd Place: Ooky Spooky Graveyard

1st Place: Bewitching Hour

2nd Place: Spooky House

VP Pie-in-the-Face Fundraiser (COVID-19 Edition)
In addition, all week we hosted a fundraising event for employees to donate money in exchange for a ticket to pie one of our VPs in the face! All proceeds will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Organization for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Stay tuned, this event will be taking place soon! We will broadcast the fun in a Microsoft Teams meeting for our remote staff to watch and will share the content afterwards.