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LIMS | SCC’s Cloud-based Configurable Laboratory Information Management System

Our LIMS application is a cloud-based, multi-tenant laboratory information management system which provides the following features:

  • Specimen processing and testing automation from order intake (electronic, Web-based order, or paper-based requisition)
  • Quality Assurance and Quality Control processes
  • Barcoding and specimen tracking
  • Instrument connectivity through SoftDMI®, SCC’s data management and interfaces support system
  • Patient result reporting (paper and electronic)
  • Sample/DNA storage through SoftBiobank®, SCC’s biobank information management system
  • Configurable user-definable fields, forms, and resulting tasklists
  • Operational reports
  • Data mining and analysis through Genomic Data Portal
  • Extendable system through third-party components or dedicated development via set of Jason API, SDK, and rules-based system

This low-cost, configurable solution is designed to provide software support for day-to-day operational automation in clinical, environmental, research, bio banking, and other environments. LIMS includes pre-configured best practices and workflows for a number of laboratories, from chemistry and hematology labs, to more complex molecular or genomic labs. LIMS does not require Oracle or WebLogic technologies, and SCC will be able to provide access to API within the next four to six months.

For more information

Even after more than 40 years of designing, developing, and delivering robust integrated laboratory and genetics information system solutions, SCC isn’t content to rest on our laurels. We’re still focused on providing our clients powerful and flexible software tools that enable them to compete in the highly competitive clinical diagnostics marketplace. Our plans include continuing to develop our strategic path, building on our success, and adhering to our progressive pioneering philosophy: applying technology to create the most advanced—and most cost-effective—healthcare IT solutions for our clients.

To learn more about these new product offerings, or to schedule a demo with one of our experts, please contact us or visit our website.

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