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2023 SNUG Webinar Schedule

We are excited to announce the SNUG webinar series will be continuing in the New Year. These webinars will be hosted on Tuesdays at 12pm ET and in January they will contain information about two of SCC’s supporting applications. Continuing with the success of the 2022 SNUG Webinar series, we are excited to see where 2023 takes us with our goal to provide continual education to enhance optimization of SCC’s applications.  

Also don’t forget that our 2023 Annual SNUG Conference is only 4 months away! The conference will be held May 7-11 here in Clearwater, Florida! Our early bird sweepstakes is still available. If you register by January 15th you’ll be entered into a drawing to win an Amazon gift card at the conference! Please register here!

Latest STAR Features and Enhancements | January 17

Expertise level: Intermediate

Presenter will cover the following topics:

  • KB/STAR Integration
  • Elastic Search Configuration
    • Saving Search Queries
    • Displaying Saved Queries on STAR Dashboard
  • STAR D Metric Configuration
    • Quick Action Bar
    • Width Column Adjustment
    • Hiding Column Filters
    • Displaying Elastic Search Saved Queries
  • Client Custom Codes
    • Multi Task Update
  • Quote Questionnaire Lookup
    • HIS/EMR interfaces, Reference Lab, Backload, etc. (RFQ)
  • SCR Status Tracking

SoftWorkload® – New Look & Feel via WebScape.web | January 31

Expertise level: Beginner

Presenter will cover the following topics:

  • Launching, Logging-In, and What Getting Around Looks Like
  • Ad-Hoc Capturing and Viewing  
  • Reporting – PDFs and Excels

We hope you can join us for this informative session, register here!

More Resources


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Public Relations

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Public Relations

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