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Support for Ukraine

SCC Statement

We are committed to supporting our clients, colleagues and partners who have been impacted by the conflict in Ukraine.

Soft Computer Consultants (SCC) employees have watched in disbelief as this shocking and violent war has swept through the country of Ukraine. The invasion is constantly evolving, and we have kept our actions behind the scenes. We believe in complete transparency in keeping everyone informed so they may speak to the growing inquiries from employees and clients.

We are working in four key areas:

  1. The current status of our partner in Ukraine, ISD (
  2. Protection of our employees
  3. Maintaining operational integrity
  4. Providing humanitarian aid

Current Status of ISD

ISD is operating, and people are continuing to work throughout the ongoing conflict. SCC is providing shelter, food, equipment and necessities to SCC employees and families. SCC has been providing transportation to employees who are interested in departing their respective cities.

Protection of Our Employees

As we witness the tragedy unfolding, the outpouring of concern from our clients, colleagues, and partners abroad is truly a testament to the relationships we have established. We take pride in being a multinational community and value everyone’s views. Discrimination or dehumanizing language about Ukrainian or Russian people has no place in our company.

  1. We are providing housing, monetary compensation, groceries and local transportation to families who have crossed into Poland early last week to settle into various homes.
  2. The families who left central Ukraine for Western Ukraine will soon be receiving financial support as well.
  3. We are prepaying salaries to our Ukrainian staff, wherever they have settled. The funds can be used anywhere in Europe, not just in Ukraine.
  4. In regard to mental health support, some images of the war can trigger personal trauma and stress. We would like to reiterate the importance and availability of mental health support.

Maintaining Operational Integrity

The ongoing efforts of our offices in Poland and Ukraine are nothing short of extraordinary. The constant collaboration, outpouring of volunteers, opening up homes, and overall support of fellow colleagues have been admirable in these challenging times. Alongside the elevated human spirits, SCC teams remain confident in our ability to continue providing the very best service to our valued clients.

Providing Humanitarian Aid

There is overwhelming interest from employees as well as clients who want to financially support our Ukrainian families. SCC will be matching the donations of those who desire to provide financial assistance.

SCC has partnered with Planting Peace to aid our Ukrainian friends and colleagues as the war in Ukraine continues. Planting Peace allocates 100% of donations to Ukrainian families. All monetary donations will help those in need as we continue to aid those who will sadly feel the effects long after the war comes to an end.

We will continue to share our progress and our setbacks through these challenging times we are facing. We will overcome this together.