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SNUG Webinar Series Upcoming Schedule!

Be sure to register for the upcoming webinars. SCC’s SNUG webinar series are hosted on Tuesdays at 12pm ET and contain a mixture of topics spanning from SCC’s laboratory, genetics, blood bank, outreach, and SCC supporting rules provided for our […]


Product Showcase Webinar – February Recap

Each month we hold our Product Showcase webinars, presented by SCC’s subject-matter experts, with the objective to educate our customers and provide an opportunity for them to learn what’s new with SCC’s Laboratory, Genetics, and Blood Services Information Systems Suites. […]


Product Showcase Webinar Schedule!

Please join SCC Soft Computer for our upcoming live Product Showcase Webinars with subject-matter experts. These webinars are held on Thursdays at 12pm ET. Our goal here at SCC is to provide ongoing education to ensure our clients are receiving […]


Upcoming SNUG Webinar Schedule!

Be sure to register for the February webinars. SCC’s SNUG webinar series are hosted on Tuesdays at 12pm EST and contain a mixture of topics spanning from SCC’s laboratory, genetics, blood bank, outreach, and supporting applications, along with general LIS […]


Product Showcase Webinar – January Recap

Each month we hold our Product Showcase webinars, presented by SCC’s subject-matter experts, with the objective to educate our customers and provide an opportunity for them to learn what’s new with SCC’s Laboratory, Genetics, and Blood Services Information Systems Suite […]


2023 SNUG Webinar Schedule

We are excited to announce the SNUG webinar series will be continuing in the New Year. These webinars will be hosted on Tuesdays at 12pm ET and in January they will contain information about two of SCC’s supporting applications. Continuing […]


Product Showcase Webinar – November Recap

Each month we hold our Product Showcase webinars, presented by SCC’s subject-matter experts, with the objective to educate our customers and provide an opportunity for them to learn what’s new with SCC’s Laboratory, Outreach, Genetics, and Blood Services Information Systems […]


New Education Schedule

At SCC Soft Computer, our Education Department is dedicated to providing high quality trainings to SCC users to ensure they are educated and proficient within these applications used on a daily basis. SCC Educators are qualified to train our clients […]