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Tips for a Safe Summer!

As the official start of summer approaches, we would like to share some helpful tips on how to stay cool and safe as the weather begins to heat up. With June 21st marking the first day of summer, now is […]


Healthy Recipe: Quinoa Bites

Especially now, it is important to stay active and healthy. Eating a healthy diet which contains the nutrients you need is the best way to support your immune system. Supporting your immunity is particularly important to prevent illness and various […]


United States vs. Elizabeth Holmes

Now that the criminal fraud trial United States vs. Elizabeth Holmes, CEO of the defunct Theranos is over, lawyers are asking questions regarding the responsibilities laboratory directors under CLIA can be impacted and held responsible for violations when comes to […]


International Holiday Traditions: Europe

New Year’s Day and Christmas Day are widely celebrated around the world, and every country has different customs and traditions depending on their history, culture, and values. These traditions may look quite different in some regions. Not only do some […]