EDS Awards
Training Top 10 Hall of Fame
In 2008, Training established the Training Top 10 Hall of Fame to recognize those companies that have held Top 10 spots in the Training Top 125 for at least four consecutive years.
Training Top 10 Hall of Fame members remain in the Training Top 10 Hall of Fame for no less than three years to a maximum of five years at which time they may reapply for Top 125 consideration. For more information visit www.trainingmag.com.
Because SCC Soft Computer has ranked in the Training Top 10 for four consecutive years, the company was invited to join this elite group of industry powerhouses. SCC Soft Computer was inducted into the Training Top 10 Hall of Fame in February 2012, along with computer software giant, Microsoft Corporation.
The current Training Top 10 Hall of Fame includes Booz Allen Hamilton, Deloitte LLP, Ernst & Young, General Mills, Inc., IBM, KLA-Tencor, KPMG LLC, Microsoft Corporation, Pfizer (Wyeth), PricewaterhouseCoopers, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, and SCC Soft Computer.
Training Top 125
Training magazine is the leading business publication for learning and development and HR professionals. Since 1979, it has been the ultimate resource for innovative learning and development - in print, in person, and online.
- 2011 - Ranking: 4
- 2010 - Ranking: 9
- 2009 - Ranking: 3
- 2008 - Ranking: 8
- 2007 - Ranking: 14
- 2006 - Ranking: 51
- 2005 - Ranking: 53
- 2003 - Ranking: 97
- 2002 - Ranking: 93
Since 2002, SCC's Educational Services department has been chosen from a field of over 10,000 entries to rank among the top companies for workforce training and leadership development. SCC has been selected nine times in ten years based on our employee training initiatives and our ability to address employee turnover in specific departments through training certification.
From 2002-2006, SCC was ranked anywhere from 97th to 51th overall in the Training Top 100. In 2007, Training increased the field of competitors to 125 and changed the name of the ranking to the Training Top 125. The Training Top 125 is considered the most elite ranking among Fortune 500 companies for workforce training and leadership development.
- In 2007, SCC vaulted up the rankings from 51st in the 2006 Training Top 100 and placed 14th in the Training Top 125
- In 2008, SCC joined the elite Training Top 10 and placed 8th in the 2008 Training Top 125, marking the first time a healthcare IT firm placed in the Top 10!
- In 2009, SCC moved into a coveted Training Top 5 position with a ranking of 3th in the 2009 Training Top 125, marking the first time a healthcare IT firm placed in the Top 5!
In 2010, SCC earned another Training Top 10 spot and placed 9th in the 2010 Training Top 125, marking the first time a healthcare IT firm placed in the Training Top 10 for three consecutive years!
In addition to securing a Top 10 position for the third consecutive year, SCC Soft Computer was recognized with a special award for Top Evaluation / Business Metrics Score for the Company's quantitative submission, which was rated by an outside auditing firm.
- Top Evaluation / Business Metrics Score for 2010
- In 2011, SCC placed 4th in the 2011 Training Top 125, marking the first time a healthcare IT firm placed in the Training Top 5 twice and the Training Top 10 for four consecutive years!
In addition to securing a Top 10 position for the fourth consecutive year and a Top 5 position for the second time, SCC Soft Computer was recognized with a special award for Top Evaluation / Business Metrics Score for the Company's quantitative submission, which was rated by an outside auditing firm. In a separate awards ceremony, SCC also received an Outstanding Training Initiative award.
- Top Evaluation / Business Metrics Score for 2011
- 2011 Outstanding Training Initiative for its Office Support Mentoring Program featuring the SCC EDS Personal Learning Passport
With our placement for the fourth consecutive year in the Training Top 10 (and our second Training Top 5 ranking), SCC Soft Computer is the top-ranked healthcare IT company and shares the spotlight with industry powerhouses: Farmers Insurance (1), The Economical Insurance Group (2), Verizon Wireless (3), SCC Soft Computer (4), The PNC Financial Services Group (5), EMC Corporation (6), United States Navy (7), Vanguard (8), Microsoft Corporation (9), and CareSource (10).
In-depth profiles of each of the companies appear in the January/February 2011 issue of Training magazine. With our Training Top 5 placement, SCC is featured in the cover story of this issue, as well as in an article on the winners of Best Practices and Outstanding Training Initiative awards. To see a complete list of the 2011 Training Top 125 and read the digital edition of Training magazine, visit their Web site at www.trainingmag.com.
SCC's commitment to the effective education and training of its internal and external clients helps users get the maximum utilization and value from their LIS investment. More than ever, this is an important component to a successful IT implementation.
ASTD (the American Society for Training & Development) is the world's largest association dedicated to workforce learning, development, and performance professionals. ASTD's members come from more than 100 countries and connect locally in 130 U.S. chapters and with 30 international partners. Members work in thousands of organizations of all sizes, in government, as independent consultants, and suppliers. Started in 1943, in recent years ASTD has widened the profession's focus to link learning and performance to individual and organizational results, and is a sought-after voice on critical public policy issues. For more information, visit www.astd.org.
Established in 2003 by ASTD, the ASTD BEST Awards Winner's Circle includes small and large private, public, and not-for-profit organizations from around the globe. These organizations submitted quantitative and qualitative information to ASTD about their learning and development practices and programs. Their applications were assessed by members of the BEST Awards advisory committee, a group of experts in the learning and development field.
Award winners show that they are the BEST at: Building talent, Enterprise-wide, Supported by the organization's leaders, fostering a Thorough learning culture.
SCC Soft Computer placed in the top five in the 2009 ASTD BEST Awards competition with a ranking of 3rd! In the 2009 competition, SCC is among 39 organizations from Canada, Hong Kong, India, Singapore, and the United States selected for this prestigious award. All winners are recognized in the October 2009 issue of Training & Development (T+D), ASTD's monthly magazine.
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Suncoast ASTD/Tampa Bay ISPI OPAL Awards
ASTD/ISPI is a partnership between the American Society for Training & Development and the International Society for Performance Improvement. The OPAL Awards are sponsored by Tampa Bay ISPI and Suncoast ASTD and recognize the best and brightest learning and performance professionals in the Tampa Bay area.
The OPAL Awards, or Outstanding Performance and Learning Awards, recognize professionals in the following categories:
- Excellence in Leadership Development
- Excellence in Use of Technology
- Excellence in Team Success
- Excellence in Customer Satisfaction
SCC won two 2010 ASTD/ISPI OPAL Awards:
- The 2010 ASTD/ISPI OPAL Award for Excellence in Team Success recognizes the efforts of SCC's Educational Services and Office Support teams and the Office Support department mentoring program.
- The 2010 ASTD/ISPI OPAL Award for Excellence in Customer Satisfaction recognizes the efforts of SCC's Educational Services and Client Services/Technical Support teams and the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Coaching by Client Services Managers program.
SCC won a 2009 ASTD/ISPI OPAL Award:
- The 2009 ASTD/ISPI OPAL Award for Excellence in Leadership Development recognizes the company's dedication to leadership development, their continuing efforts to provide cross training on all products, their investment in continuing education, and their use of continuing education and employee training to help the company stay at the forefront of the highly competitive healthcare IT industry.
See Awards page for more information about the recognition SCC and SCC's Educational Services division has received in the past few years.