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Microbiology information management solution with flexible, comprehensive features that is part of SCC Soft Computer’s LIS suite. SoftMic makes real-time patient results available throughout the enterprise.

SoftMic is a solution for managing microbiology specimens in a paperless environment. It automates all stages of specimen processing from order entry to final reporting by using features like flexible reporting, independent results interpretation, and rule-based actions, which substantially improve testing accuracy and report uniformity. SoftMic offers automated batch processing that users can customize, improving productivity by increasing efficiency and reducing errors. Additional features include the display of patient results in real-time, improving point-of-care quality. SoftMic integrates with other SCC modules like SoftLab®, allowing common data to flow throughout the system.

Flexible Reporting

SoftMic generates reports at multiple levels, providing greater flexibility for orders with multiple tests.

Independent Results Interpretations

Users have multiple options for reporting results independent of interpretation.

Rule-based Actions

SoftMic allows multiple result actions based on user-defined rules.

Features and Benefits

SoftMic is easy to use, with an intuitive, user-friendly interface. It’s also easy to set up and maintain, whereas other LIS systems often have convoluted setup procedures with many steps.

SoftMic automates manual processes, streamlining workflows and allowing laboratories to operate more efficiently.

SoftMic keeps up with technology by interfacing with robotics and AI instruments. SCC also continually adds new features and functionality to SoftMic based on client requests.

Users can combine Micro and Lab Panic results into a common call list based on user criteria. This feature streamlines the calling of urgent results to clinics and individual physicians.

SoftMic integrates epidemiology reports like infection control and other statistics based on qualifying criteria for genetic, microbiology, and laboratory orders. The ability for a single report to incorporate these orders provides a complete record of community infections for practitioners, health agencies, and laboratory staff.

Users can perform tasks on individual micro specimens, including collection, reception, and plating. This feature provides accurate information on each specimen, allowing users to determine whether the desired actions were performed. It also improves specimen tracking, reducing the time and effort needed to complete work lists.

SoftMic allows users to store reports like micro results and epidemiology reports at multiple levels, including requesting doctor/clinics, isoward, and tests. This feature provides more reporting options for orders with more than one test. In cases where different physicians request multiple tests in the same order, users can customize reports to include all tests on the orders or only tests requested by a particular physician. In addition, the call center can notify all physicians related to an order or just the physician ordering the test.

Users can perform reflexing in batches, allowing them to result multiple orders based on criteria like organism, panels, quantitation, and isolate comments from the worklist. This feature reduces the number of manual result entries, thus increasing operational efficiency. Users can also easily control the sequence of isolates displayed on the report with one reflex command. These actions often include overwriting or modifying previous isolate information like organism ID, panel, and isolate comment.

SoftMic allows users to define micro worklists to qualify orders based on specimen information for that test, such as specimen status and tracking stops. This feature increases user productivity for worklists.

Users can create an unlimited number of rules for drugs, organisms, and tests that relate conditions to actions. They can also define a single rule with multiple criteria, rather than creating a separate rule for each criterion. This feature reduces the number of manual setup updates that users must perform, thus improving qualification and search capabilities in epidemiology reports and custom SQL statements.

SoftMic allows users to associate additional items with a test by linking a rule directly to that test.

Users can add conditions to qualify results, such as the patient’s age at collection or the patient’s current age. These rules trigger collection, which is particularly helpful for pediatric/newborn patient populations. SoftMic users can also check tests and test comments for the current order.

Users can suppress drug results, allowing them to report individual results independent of interpretation by applying rules without direct user intervention. They can also automatically cancel tests based on the results of another test. Results can be automatically flagged as critical based on user-defined criteria. In addition, manual and instrument-posted results can both be automatically verified based on user criteria. Other rules-based actions include checking previous results and notifying users when a change is noted.

SoftMic provides additional setup for organisms, drugs and panels based on rules. Users can create an unlimited number of classes for primary and alternative organisms. They can also create an unlimited number of drug categories, whether they’re resulted manually or posted by an instrument. Furthermore, users can group drugs and panels based on rules for drug classes and individual drugs. These features improve treatment options for patient care and increase system flexibility.

SoftMic is designed for unlimited scalability and flexibility, making it versatile enough for both single- and multisite environments.
