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Software suites and individual modules


Developed specifically for billing and accounts receivable management in laboratories, clinics, and hospitals, SoftA/R provides practical solutions to decrease lost revenue and assist in competitive marketing.


SoftBank offers a wide range of exceptional features that are designed to streamline many of the routine, manual, time-consuming tasks associated with Transfusion and Blood Center processes and procedures.

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SoftBank streamlines manual, time-consuming tasks that transfusion and blood centers must perform, enhancing operational efficiency.


SoftBI includes a full suite of interactive drill-down style reports that provide critical operational data, analytical and statistical data, laboratory efficiency data, various productivity analyses and other reports involving data from all of SCC's core software products.


With single keystroke execution, SoftBill provides a robust tool that functions as a "scrubber" to meet complex Medicare billing regulations and combinations, including Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) as established by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and other program safeguards.


SoftBiobank targets all biorepository management needs so you can annotate, store, and distribute biospecimens. Specimen retrieval, chain of custody, storage location, and seamless integration with laboratory information systems are included.


SoftBiochemistry processes many types of data into customized reports that are compatible with enterprise-level information systems. Unique timesaving features directly address the need to reduce transcriptional and data entry errors, increase productivity and communication, and enhance the timeliness and quality of patient care.


SoftCompliance automatically matches allowed diagnosis codes (per LCD/NCD) to each ordered test for up to 20 diagnosis codes. When all ordered diagnosis codes are entered, medical necessity checking is executed with just one keystroke.


SoftCytogenetics is a complete solution for cytogenetics laboratories, including user-definable protocols and real-time sample tracking including culture setup through harvesting, slide processing, analysis, and reporting.


SoftDonor helps users manage donor eligibility and component inventory, as well as efficiently conduct and safely manage daily donor facility tasks such as donor visits, component production, donor testing, inventory control, and inventory distribution.


SoftExpressPlus CRM support for incoming calls, supplies inventory, courier tracking, and mobile phlebotomy. It enables managers to plan, document, monitor, and manage the movement of supplies and materials, and offers a configurable workflow engine to automate common tasks.

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SoftFlowCytometry allows pathologists and medical technologists to import and analyze parameters from flow cytometric software. This data includes histograms and scatter plot images from custom panels, and can be readily interfaced with virtually any flow cytometry instrument or data analysis platform.


SoftForensics is a case management system for coroner and forensic autopsy testing facilities. It allows users to manage and track the data they generate while handling forensic materials, including decedent data, legal documentation, and evidence submission and release.


SoftGenePortal allows users' clients to place their orders directly into the Genetics Suite modules, and offers a patient portal for reporting and payment. It also provides online connectivity and notifications that support remote consultations.


The SoftGenomics suite combines the features of SoftCytogenetics and SoftMolecular, creating a unified platform that’s ideal for human genetic testing laboratories. It provides a total solution for laboratories performing genetic and genomic testing in a single application.

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SoftHLA is a laboratory information management system for transplantation workups and transfusion support, among other clinical purposes. It also provides database support for immunogenetics laboratories.


SoftID is an electronic positive patient tracking solution, providing phlebotomists and nurses with an efficient, mobile, and dependable means of verifying patient identification prior to blood collection.


SoftID.Tx is a comprehensive system used to manage the transfer of transfusion-related data from the patient's bedside to SCC's SoftBank system. SoftID.Tx enables users to collect transfusion-related data, assign a blood product to a courier, and verify that the product selected for transfusion is the same product assigned to the patient.


SoftIWS is an interpretive workstation utility that is powerful, yet easy to use, informatics module that allows for consolidation of resulting and reporting information across multiple information management systems. It also enables the management of large volumes of data and experimental workflows.


SoftLab helps clients reach top productivity in the laboratory environment. It provides healthcare facilities with full multisite consolidation, flexible patient and management reporting, specimen tracking, and more.

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SoftLIMS is dedicated to enhancing laboratory testing processes from specimen registration and preparation, testing and results entry, to final report release. Integrated with analyzers, LIMS is an easy-to-handle software application that significantly improves laboratory in day-to-day operations.


SoftMedia allows a pragmatic method for enhancing clinical services with document and image storage capabilities.

SoftMedia for SoftBank

SoftMedia for SoftBank fully integrates the functionality of SoftMedia into SoftBank. This capability allows users to electronically store documents like ABID forms and requisitions in SoftBank.


SoftMic is a solution for managing microbiology specimens in a paperless environment. It automates all stages of specimen processing from order entry to final reporting by using features like flexible reporting, independent results interpretation, and rule-based actions.

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SoftMolecular is a robust, user-friendly, and intuitive workflow solution for the diagnostic genetics laboratory enables users to streamline workflows, interface with automated instrumentation, manage patient and family cases, track sample storage, and control inventory.

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The SoftMPI module is a powerful patient-based linking tool that works as an umbrella across departments and facility systems. The system generates a unique master patient index (MPI) identification number for each patient.

SoftNGS ConsoleTM

SoftNGS Console enables the user to supervise NGS pipeline execution to analyze sequencing data performed by third party bioinformatic tools.


SoftPathDx enables users to share specimens between other labs such as biochemistry, flow cytometry, cytogenetics, and molecular. This allows for integrated resulting and the ability to track specimens throughout multiple labs.

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SoftQMS is a document management system for documents like quality manuals, general procedures and standard operating procedures. It supports the creation, review and approval of these documents.


SoftRecruit is SCC's donor recruitment management solution for blood donation facilities. It helps users implement, manage and document blood donor solicitation activities and also provides related self-service tools.


SoftReports provides advanced formatting and design capabilities for reports, allowing users to customize their reports. This module also accesses SCC’s application databases and includes a spreadsheet editor.


SoftROE allows users to create patterns for cycling orders based on cycling criteria and dates. This capability reduces the time and effort needed for data entry, reducing the risk of keystroke errors.


SoftStore manages the movement of stored samples, allowing users to determine a sample's location at any given time. It allows users to query samples on many criteria, virtually eliminating the risk of misplaced specimens.


SoftTotalQC analyzes a laboratory's quality control (QC) on items like controls, reagents, media, panels, drugs, consumables and maintenance procedures. It also provides inventory control.


SoftTrack provides a touchscreen interface for processing specimens in the pathology laboratory. It integrates with SCC's SoftPathDx module, allowing users to capture data and track specimens.


SoftURF is designed for use by laboratories and clinics that package specimens for referral testing. It allows users to create requisition forms and shipping manifests for different materials and testing technologies.


SoftWebPlus supports the laboratory, microbiology, blood bank, pathology, radiology, and reference lab results from multiple and disparate vendors, all of which reside on a single EMR repository, and securely delivers real-time patient results to remote locations via the Internet.

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SoftWorkload allows users to measure and analyze the work performed in their laboratories. It retrieves data from laboratories that use SCC applications through ad-hoc and scheduled tasks.