Part 1: Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier and his wife, Marie-Anne Pierrette Paulze Lavoisier “Dans la nature rien ne se crée, rien ne se perd, tout change.In nature nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything changes.” Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier (French nobleman, chemist, biologist) […]
From the Microscope to the Magnifying Glass: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the Art of Medicine
July 15, 2021There’s no need for fiction in medicine, for the facts will always beat anything you fancy.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle[1] (physician, creator of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes) Born May 22, 1859, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the Scottish writer behind Sherlock […]
Edward Jenner and the World’s First Vaccine: Debunking the Myth of the Milkmaid
July 13, 2021“In science, the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to whom the idea first occurs.”Sir Francis Darwin (botanist, son of Charles Darwin) In a February 1, 2018 article in The New England Journal of Medicine, Arthur […]
SCC Soft Computer™ Achieves ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certification
July 7, 2021Clearwater, Florida – June 28, 2021 – SCC Soft Computer announced recently the company achieved ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification on May 25, 2021. With this certification as a medical device manufacturer, SCC Soft Computer will be held to new international standards […]
PathWest and National Blood Authority Collaborate with SCC Soft Computer for Real-Time Integration
July 6, 2021PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA (PathWest) has successfully integrated its new laboratory information system (LIS) transfusion medicine module, SoftBank®, with the National Blood Authority’s (NBA) BloodNet LIS interface. The BloodNet-SoftBank LIS interface, supporting ISBT-128, has been introduced throughout PathWest’s 27 laboratories […]
Independence Day Message from Mr. Gilbert Hakim
July 1, 2021Independence Day is a holiday in observance of the United States gaining its independence. The celebration continues to live on today for all those Americans who have bravely fought for freedom and a better future in their country. We must […]
SCC Soft Computer Continues to Expand Our Global Reach
June 29, 2021SCC Soft Computer is reducing laboratory bottlenecks around the globe with our innovative and powerful laboratory and genetics information system solutions! As we continue our expansion into the global market—in particular across Australasia/Oceania, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and South […]
Don’t Miss the 28th Annual SNUG Conference | September 12 – 16, 2021
June 15, 2021SNUG 2021 Venue The conference hotel is the Sheraton Sand Key located on Clearwater Beach. This year the Sheraton is offering us a block of rooms for SNUG 2021 for all attendees at the following rate: $189.00 + tax: 1 […]
New Leaders of the Client Services Department!
June 8, 2021At SCC Soft Computer, we regard our clients first and foremost, and realize without them the company could not have attained its position of leadership in the healthcare information technology industry. We share our clients’ goals of increased productivity, return […]
SCC Soft Computer’s SoftLab® Version 4.0.9 Achieves 2015 Edition ONC Health IT Certification from ICSA Labs
June 3, 2021Clearwater, Florida – April 27, 2021 – SCC Soft Computer’s SoftLab® version 4.0.9 has achieved 2015 Edition ONC Health IT certification as a Health IT Module. The 2015 Edition Certification Program supports a diverse health IT system, including but not […]
Letter From the SNUG Board: 2021 Annual SNUG Conference
June 2, 2021The SNUG Board is very excited and looking forward to the 2021 Annual SNUG Conference. The theme for this year is Transformation: New possibilities for a changing world. With the relaxed CDC guidelines to meet indoors post vaccination, we are […]
Top 10 Most Popular Running Trails in Pinellas County
June 1, 2021During these uncertain times, people are struggling to find ways to stay busy and keep active. Now more than ever, it is so important to prioritize our health. There are many ways to stay active in Florida, such as swimming, […]