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Labor Day 2021 | Message to Employees

September 2, 2021

“All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importanceand should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.”Martin Luther King Jr. Generally, Labor Day passes all too quickly as the third day off in a three-day weekend.  This year, however, I want to […]

Product Overview

SCC’s Newest Additions

August 6, 2021

Even after over 40 years of designing, developing, and delivering robust integrated laboratory and genetics information system solutions, SCC isn’t content to rest on our laurels.  We’re still focusing on providing our clients powerful and flexible software tools to enable […]


Power Teams in the Laboratory

July 20, 2021

Part 1: Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier and his wife, Marie-Anne Pierrette Paulze Lavoisier “Dans la nature rien ne se crée, rien ne se perd, tout change.In nature nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything changes.” Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier (French nobleman, chemist, biologist) […]